Understanding the pavement project failures in Pakistan: identifying causes and solutions





Pavement project, Pavement failure, Highway infrastructure, Project failure, Road deterioration, Road infrastructure, Road development, Road degradation


Pavement deterioration is a major issue in Pakistan's road and highway infrastructure. The current study attempts to clarify the most important factors of road degradation in Pakistan using a questionnaire prepared and distributed to engineers, contractors, architects, surveyors, and project managers involved in road development and upkeep. The study had 147 replies. This data was collected from employees from various road construction sectors in Pakistan. Convenience sampling, a sort of non-probability sampling, is used for data gathering due to time and resource constraints. The data were analysed through SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The responses were gathered using a 10-point Likert scale. The standard (inadequate density in surface or sub-base) has the maximum rank of 9.1, while the lowest factor (use of naturally smooth uncrushed aggregate) is 2.0. Furthermore, the causes of deterioration were reorganised into eight consistent groups of pertinent causes. The first group (effect of traffic load and volume) has a severity level of 6.5, while the last group (effect of bond between layers) ranks 3.22 in group comparison. The study is helpful in identifying the causes of road deterioration in Pakistan and avoiding or mitigating their effects during design, construction, and maintenance through operation.


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How to Cite

Iqbal, S., Khan, H. A., Ullah, I., Khan, M. W., & Hussain, S. (2024). Understanding the pavement project failures in Pakistan: identifying causes and solutions. Natural and Applied Sciences International Journal (NASIJ), 5(1), 55–74. https://doi.org/10.47264/idea.nasij/5.1.5



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