Gender-wise Perception of Graduate and Undergraduate Students about the Quality of Teaching: A Study of Islamia College, Peshawar
Quality of Teaching, Gender and Education, Education, Teachers, Students’ SatisfactionAbstract
This article focuses on a cross sectional research study for assessing quality of teaching which has been conducted in Islamia College Peshawar, a chartered University in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The researchers collected data via structured questionnaire from 497 students of undergraduate and graduate level including Bachelor of Studies (BS), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSc) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) of 13 departments of the said university. For analysis of data, descriptive statistics and chi-square test were applied using SPSS version 16. The analysis shows that students` high satisfaction level is above 60% and low satisfaction level is below 40%. The satisfaction level of male and female were significantly different about quality of teaching. This study recommends that teacher should update their knowledge, use new teaching methods, explain topic with daily life examples, encourage students, show answer books after marking, provide guidance, be fair and complete course on time for the enhancement of students’ satisfaction level.
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