Assessment of the Socio-economic determinants of school children dropouts in rural areas of district Peshawar, Pakistan




dropout, dropout of children, students dropout, school distance, illiteracy, parents illiteracy, education


Children dropping out from schools is one of common phenomena in the modern world. Different demographic, socio-economic, psychological, school based, and community factors are responsible for the number of children school dropout across the globe. Using convenient sampling technique, through questionnaire and interview methods primary data was collected from 400 household heads whose children were dropped out from schools in rural areas of district Peshawar during last five years. For this purpose, a structured questionnaire and interviews were conducted to obtain the required data. Results of the study reveal that, in case of boys, more than 60% of the respondents were of the view that poverty is the main reason for children's school dropout. In the case of girls school dropouts, 45% left studies incomplete because of poor financial position. Other determinants such as father education, mother education, school distance, illiterate community, the parental perception was also considered more or less responsible for school dropout of the children. This study recommends that government should provide free education along with monetary incentives to those household heads who do not send their children to schools due to financial constraints.


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How to Cite

Zeb, A., Gul, S., Mingyan, G., & Ullah, O. (2021). Assessment of the Socio-economic determinants of school children dropouts in rural areas of district Peshawar, Pakistan. Liberal Arts and Social Sciences International Journal (LASSIJ), 5(2), 250–263.



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