A review of the bright side of dark triad and a road to career success
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB), impression management, social capital, network benefits, dark triad, career success, narcissism, psychopathy, structural holes theoryAbstract
Viewing dark triad as a positive personality trait, the researchers intend to explore the constructive use of impression management with regard to career success based on structural holes theory, paying particular attention to social capital and network benefits as sequential mediators between impression management and career success. A systematic literature review was conducted comprising published research studies on the chosen variables of interest. The researchers made use of several websites and links, like Google Scholar, PsychINFO, ResearchGate, and Web of Science. The systematic research was conducted to identify the desired variables and review was summarized from 2000 to 2020. Considering the past literature, it was proposed that impression management improves social capital that further leads to network benefits, thus, contributing to career success, whereas the dark triad strengthens the relationship between impression management and social capital. In last section, potential areas for future research in the context of impression management and dark triad are identified and a research agenda is put forward for the potential researchers. In future, researchers may benefit from the proposed conceptual model and can conduct a longitudinal quantitative research study considering the variables studied.
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