Political Instability in Sudan after Military Coup: Implications for China’s Economic Interests


  • Nazim Rahim Department of Political Science and International Relations, Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  • Assad Mehmood Department of Political Science and International Relations, Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  • Syed Mussawar Hussain Bukhari Department of Political Science and Gender Studies, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.




China, Sudan, Darfur, Economic Engagement, Political Instability, BRI, UN, China & Sudan Relations, Belt & Road Initiative, One Belt One Road


The current military coup and further political unrest in Sudan, though termed as ‘Bread Riots,’ however the internationally observed, beyond ‘bread.’ Especially, the Darfur and Sudan’s current crisis vis-à-vis China’s increasing politico-economic engagement in pursuance of its interests in the Sudan, particularly about energy sector, have placed China’s policies for Africa in focus. Since, Sino-Sudan maintained an extended history of politico-economic engagement and outreaching diplomatic relationships, hence, internationally perceived an expectation that Chinese factor can persuade the politico-economic situation in Sudan after recent political unrest in the country. Considering, such conditions, this paper while employing the economic diplomacy theory argues that, the policy of ‘non-interference’ may not be translated as disinclination with regards to China to employ the conscientiousness to defend. In this paper, statements given by the world about the interests lie in Sudan have been analysed through content analysis technique. However, particularly the complex features of condition of instability in Sudan, the economic-engagement strategy pursued by China, seems much productive than the retaliatory sanctions initiatives being approached by the West, particularly US to ensure peace process and stability conditions in Sudan. China had deep concerns with the situation prevailing in Sudan because it has invested billions of dollars on the development projects in this country.


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How to Cite

Rahim, N., Mehmood, A., & Bukhari, S. M. (2019). Political Instability in Sudan after Military Coup: Implications for China’s Economic Interests. Liberal Arts and Social Sciences International Journal (LASSIJ), 3(2), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.47264/idea.lassij/3.2.1



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