Indian Inclusion in CPEC: A Path to Indo-Pak Threat Reduction via Complex Interdependence
CPEC, BRI, OBOR, Regional Integration, Interdependence, Peace Journalism, Economic Interdependence, Belt and Road Initiative, One Belt One RoadAbstract
CPEC is a flagship project that can help India boost her economy to uplift the growing demands of infrastructural investment in the sector of energy, railroad connectivity and much more. As Pakistan and India get more economically integrated, the likelihood of any significant or minor war is going to be avoidable in the long run. India needs to understand that CPEC is not meant to destabilise any of the South Asian nations but to trigger the overall regional amalgamation. The addition of India to this global project is extremely industrious to take trilateral relations among China, Pakistan, and India towards new heights. With the backdrop of distrust, animosity, negative peace and zero political connectivity between India and Pakistan, CPEC is a feasible platform to eradicate these dilemmas if political connectivity is established. There is a need to have ideas and incentives which can convince India to be the part of CPEC. In addition, adverse reporting of media is also damaging this project by spreading false allegations. Therefore, the authors seek to explain how through CPEC, there can be less stress between India and Pakistan. What media can play its role to build the positive perception about this project. How media can make CPEC a vital source for reduction of hostility between the two states by applying the complex interdependence theory.
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